Vertical Lifelines
Decend structures with confidence
Our EasyClimber vertical Fall Protection systems allow workers to ascend and descend tall structures and ladders with confidence. Current workplace legislation requires that any person working at height should be properly protected against the risk of falling.
This is especially important for workers required to climb ladders and vertical structures, as a moment’s lapse in concentration or sudden feeling of illness could cause the worker to fall backwards away from the structure or straight down, quickly generating great velocity. The consequences of such a fall are likely to be significant upon both the worker and the employer.
Our EasyClimber® vertical climbing system, permanently installed to a ladder or vertical structure that requires frequent or predictable access can mitigate against such risks and provide a functional and practical means of access and egress
EasyClimber® has been designed to be cost effective without compromising quality or safety, making it especially attractive to operators of large utilities networks such as telecoms, electricity and wind farm operators. It is, of course, equally suitable for industrial safety applications such as safe climbing of ladders to access roofs, chimney stacks, silos, lighting columns, ships’ masts, theme park rides, bridges and more.

EasyClimber® systems are available for use in the following situations:
- Ladder access
- Mast and pylon access including lattice construction towers and monopoles
- Wind turbine access
- Lighting column access
- Bridge and inclined structure Access
Whichever EasyClimber® system suits your specific safety requirement, the same high quality of product and system functionality features throughout the product range.
A tensioned 8mm (0.31”), 1 x 19 construction stainless steel cable runs the length of the climbing area, supported at intervals that suit site conditions by intermediate cable supports. A wide range of components facilitate installations in demanding environments.